by Margot Starbuck

When it comes to Mother's Day, I'm that easy-to-please woman who says, "Don't make a fuss over me. Just take me to a fast-food restaurant, and I'll be happy." And when I say it, I really think I mean it.

Invariably, though, something mars the day. The children swat at each other in the backseat on our way to the restaurant. They whine that they're starving and can’t stand the traffic jam on our way. And when we get home, my husband hands me a mop so I can join in the family's weekly house-cleaning routine. After I've sent one or two humans to time-out and wept pitifully into my mop, I realize, "OK, maybe I sort of do care about Mother's Day."

Mother's Day can be fraught with disappointment. Though we ask for little, we may still be unwittingly tangled up with unrealistic expectations. When we admit that the fairytale day — complete with well-groomed, pleasant-mannered children basking gratefully in the warm glow of our motherhood — only exists on commercials for Mother’s Day gifts, we're finally set free to enjoy the real day. And the real children!

Though I've had one or two decidedly disappointing Mother's Days, I've found that the day unfolds most pleasantly when I'm able to keep my sense of humor. My most cherished memory stems from a gift from my sons' preschool teachers. These thoughtful ladies asked each of the children to share their perceptions of their mother, jotting the children's thoughts down on a card to be sent home and opened on Mother’s Day. When asked about my age, which was 36 at the time, one of my sons estimated, "My mother is 17." I love this child very much.

My other child offered, "My mother is 70 years old."

To this I say, "Boo!" And though no greeting card company will ever print my children's sentiments, it was still my best Mother's Day ever.

When March 21st arrives, be ready to laugh with your kids — possibly at yourself — as you enjoy the gifts you've already been given: your children! 


Tips to make Mother's Day less stressful

  • Let your loved ones know what you would like.
  • Let your loved ones know what you would NOT like.
  • Maintain your sense of humor.
  • Practice gratitude — thank God for the blessing of your children.


From the Summer 2012 issue of Thriving Family magazine. Copyright ©2012 by Margot Starbuck.  Used by permission.

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